Recenti THATCamp Messaggi

Friending and favoriting — try it out
Mulling Over Markdown
Trucchi e consigli per la ricerca del 21 ° secolo e scrittura
Thursday Evening: Drinks and Conversation at the Mason Inn
Il (non-textual) Future of Digital Humanities
Gruppo di lavoro per storici digitali

Blogs in the classroom
Distant, Close, Big, Small: Rethinking the Scale of Things
The Foundry in Neverwinter (Officina)
Talking about challenges and competitions for local and broad innovation

Shock & Awe, Business Cards, and the DH Elevator Pitch
Let’s Make a (Libro) Deal

Intermediate Omeka
Scholars Recruit Public for Project
Build a Repository of DH Job Letters, T&P Files
Aesthetics of The Social Object and the Value of Intentional Liveness
Assigning Wikipedia editing