Aktuelle Beiträge Thatcamp
Cybership 370 BC : Designing a Tabletop Metagame
Cybership 370 BC : Designing a Tabletop Metagame
Cybership 370 BC : Designing a Tabletop Metagame
Cybership 370 BC : Designing a Tabletop Metagame
Cybership 370 BC : Designing a Tabletop Metagame
Cybership 370 BC : Designing a Tabletop Metagame

Notes from „Brainstorming the Public History Commons“ session

Google Doc for Grounding History as a Community Value

Session webdesign play session
We are full!
„WordPress as a Public History Platform“ session notes
Google Doc for Integrating Digital History/Public History Skills/Training
Die Registrierung ist offen!!!
Omeka Session
Travel Grant Available

Pop Up Museum

Added Value
A Digitally Enabled Museum Studies Curriculum?
A community for mentoring new programmers
Reconstructing a Minneapolis neighborhood online

A few ideas for sessions

Websites, Collaboration with Indigenous Nations, Teaching