Posts from April 2014 (96 found)

Intro to Zotero
American History Website Marketing via Social Media

Tools to faciltitate interdisciplinary collaborative teams
Update on THATcamp Medieval @ Kzoo!
Digital Projects: The Benefits and Challenges of Collaboration Online
Writing & Beyond with Scrivener

Lunchtime Dork Shorts on Friday

THATCamp CNY 2014 details & tentative schedule
Looking forward to seeing everybody at THATCamp Kentucky 2014
Can I Trust You? Exploring Social Deduction Games

Glass Explorers

Videconferencia para el THATCamp

Librarian-faculty partnerships in teaching digital humanities
Text Analysis: Hows and Whys

Storify for THATCampSW
Neatline Texts demo: 11 a.m., in the Pearce Center Middle Room

New NEH grant: “Digital Projects for the Public”

Pictures from THATCamp!
proposal: Social Network Analysis using NodeXL
Emulation show and tell (and learn and hack)