Digital Collaboration in the Classroom
Notes for Building A Public Humanities Website session

Notes for Interplay Between Archival Materials and (Digital) Humanities

Publishing Makerspace notes

Publishing Makerspace
Building a Public Humanities Website: The 18th-Century Common

Interplay Between Archival Materials and (Digital) Humanities
Institutional Support for Digital Scholarship (Including Digital Humanities)
Virtual Play as a Tool to Understand Implications of Technology
Digital Humanities: Infrastructure & Sustainability

Collaborative World Building Using Wikis and Digital Maps

Aesthetics & Je Ne Sais Quoi in the Processes and Products of Academia and Design
Innovation on the Open Frontier: Digital Humanities in an Age of Liminality

Mobile Digital Humanities
Rethinking the Museum: A Multi-Genre Approach to Engagement
Proposal: Integrating Library Resources

Working Group Proposal: Using APIs to Map Data on Historic Places
Using Online Exhibits to Teach Critical Thinking
Let’s Build an Edition!

Collaborative World Building Using Wikis and Digital Maps
Talk Session: Stop, Collaborate & Listen
Comparing institutional sponsored research practice in DH and STEM disciplines. Funding ceilings, overhead costs, and perceived “taxes” in DH research proposals.
Curating across the Curriculum

Hack Session: Building a Digital Projects Incubator