Recenti THATCamp Messaggi
Checking in
It’s Almost Time!

Atoms to Bits and back again
Between real and one-way: Relationships with persistent non-player characters.

Full up (for now)
What the Shell? Hands on with the command line.

Plea – Viewshare and Omeka Exhibit Workshop
Etherpad from THATCamp London 2013

THATCamp Epic Play Breakout Session Brainstorming!

THATCamp Epic Play Schedule & Location
When and where you ask?
Digital Dork Shorts, Session Notes, and Evening/Weekend Plans
Manifesto for the Digital Humanities

A basic toolkit for the digital humanist

Omeka: bridging the gap between online sources and research?
Digital Work as Engaged Service Learning
Intro to Omeka Plugins

Imagining THATClass: Move over STEM, Make Room for THAT!
Dork Shorts