BL Labs Competition – Tips, Advice and Looking at BL Data
Big Data for Musicology

Crash Course in Python
Diskussion Session: Handwriting – What we can we learn from it, and how can we use it in a digital age?
Textanalyse: Wie und Warum

Pros and cons; pitfalls and tips
historical network modeling
Getting started with text/data mining …
Applying Computer Vision to Art History
השוואה בין כלל הכתבים בפרויקט לכתבים באתרים פתוחים
Charles Brockden Brown archive and TEI encoding
Kwalitatieve data-analyse software als historische hulpmiddel
Git / GitHub ?

Workshop Preview–Data Analysis for Historians
TALK: Exchanging knowledge services for data
Is „Data“ a Four-letter Word?
Workshop Preview #2: Data Analysis for Humanists
Link to Data Dump/Analyze/Display Session
Down and dirty with mhealth tweets + SNA
data mining bodies in motion

“Mapping Segregation: Racial patterns of residence, land ownership, and rentals in Rivanna Dist., Albemarle County”
Beyond Turnitin and anti-plagiarism softwares