Annotate the World Using Genius
Enriching digitised archival content
The Citizen Curator Project
Talk Session: Experiments in re-contextualizing our culture

Proposta Session: Tumblr as Introductory Platform for Digital Scholarship
Officina | Beyond Networking: How to Use Twitter as a Medium for History
Talk Session: Autorità intellettuale e materiale online
Talk Session: Does Religious Studies Need Its Own Hashtag?
Soziale Medien und Bloggen in den Geisteswissenschaften
Idaho Comics Group: Pubblicare un libro di fumetti Tarzan per Idahoans
Che cosa possiamo imparare dalle comunità virtuali?
Progetti didattici Multi-campus

Sessione Proposta: Wikipedia, Pedagogia, e Hacktivism
Sessione Proposta: Think Different.
El análisis del impacto en Twitter del hashtag #thatcampUNED
Dork short #2
Exploring the Connection between Social Media and Genre Construction
Update on THATcamp Medieval @ Kzoo!

Talk/Do Session: How to use Vines (6-second loop videos taken on cell phones) to visualize AND analyze social change?
Sydney Lines
Smash the Bot for Fun and Profit

Creative Uses of Zotero

Qual è la tua storia?
Call for hashtag