Talk Session: Experiments in re-contextualizing our culture
Session: Linked Data & the Semantic Web—Making Human Knowledge Programmable

Crash Course in Python

Serendip-o-matic (almost) one year later
Talk Session: Handwriting – What we can we learn from it, and how can we use it in a digital age?

Quantifying and Analyzing Meat Consumption Across Cultures
Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory and CWRC Writer
Teaching NVivo: The Digital Kaleidoscope

What’s Your Story?
Getting Started With TEI

Mobile Apps & Transmedia for Engaging Audiences
Applying Computer Vision to Art History
Charles Brockden Brown archive and TEI encoding
Got Data?
Kwalitatieve data-analyse software als historische hulpmiddel
Sessie voorstel « De eerste Nederlandse Wikipedian-in-Residence »
Workshop Christophe Verbruggen: ‘A basic introduction into network visualisation tools’

Workshop: Coding the Humanities, Jan Hein Hoogstad en Marijn Koolen

Use of open source software in DH