Proposition de session: How do we use the digitized archive? (a « talk » session)
Teaching Collaboration
Identifying Opportunities for Digital Projects

Quantifying and Analyzing Meat Consumption Across Cultures
Écriture & Au-delà de Scrivener
Analyse du texte: Comment et le pourquoi
historical network modeling
Getting started with text/data mining …
Proposition d'atelier–The Classroom as Humanities Lab and Digital Research

What’s Your Story?

Zoeken en gebruiken van multimodale bronnen
(Discuter, Resource-Making) Are you Annotating or Comparing Digital Images in a CMS?

(Discuter) Digital Dissertations
Proposal: Creating a Personal Digital Archive from Start to Finish
Notecards for the New Century: Best Practices for Personal Databases
Sessie voorstel ‘Bedolven onder bronnen’