Talk Session: Experiments in re-contextualizing our culture
Session Notes: Museums, Archives, Scholars, and Digital
Proposition de session: How Can Digital Content Staff at Museums and Archives Best Help Scholars?
Proposition de session: Social Objects and Technological Collections

Text to Image Linking Tool (TILT)
Proposition de session: Omeka pour l'enseignement et l'engagement communautaire
Dork Short Proposal: Remembering Lincoln

DPLA: SearchFest

Tangible, Eccentric Scholarly Communication

What’s Your Story?
Applying Computer Vision to Art History

SobekCM : Introduction to SobekCM’s capabilities for Collaborative Digital Humanities Projects and Making a Project
Proposition de session: Envisioning a Digital Harrisburg
Workflows paralysantes ou parallélisation pour les collections numériques
Workshop – Digital Storytelling in the Humanities
Intro to Omeka Workshop
Workshop: Digital Collections and Exhibits with Omeka
Tools and Tactics for Advocacy and Outreach

Intermédiaire Omeka
Freeing Images from Inside Digitized Books and Newspapers
A SWAT Team for Old Digital Humanities Sites

Atomes en bits et vice-versa

Oméga: combler le fossé entre les sources en ligne et de la recherche?
Digital Work as Engaged Service Learning