Session The First

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Git / GitHub ?

Sessie voorstel Mendeley

New Twitter Account
Talk Session: Multimodal Publication

Listen to Wikipedia guided meditation

Don’t Forget to Follow on Twitter: @dhlibthatcamp, #THATCamp, #dhlib2013
Managing social media in memory institutions
Down and dirty with mhealth tweets + SNA
Dork Short: Cinemablography
Geospatial social media: human-powered sensing networks?

Pitching the Humanities in Unexpected Places
Workshop – Digital Storytelling in the Humanities
THATCamp México en 140 caracteres

Que voulez-vous en savoir plus sur?

Follow DH & Libraries THATCamp on Twitter
Jouer: Connecting to conversations in the din of social media.
Jouer: Partager et Share Alike.
Discuter: Fostering Dialogue in Social Media Spaces
Guilty pleasures . . . for THATCamp!